A hotel in Shanghai, China has been considerate enough to offer two bathroom options, and not only that! Each of the toilets includes an explanation, in case the distinction wasn’t clear enough.
Where Snacks Come to Life: Crab Vending Machine
Forget everything you’d expect from a vending machine. Chips, soda, and candy? Too basic for China. They seem to have the urge to step their game up in everything, including the assortment of their vending machines.
If You’re in Need of Common People Glasses…
There are glasses for the common folk, and then we have glasses for the noble. Is that how this works?
Don’t worry, this isn’t a thing of elitism;
Lunch Break Is the Time to Nap!
In China, they seem to take their napping time very seriously. No matter where you are, or what you’re doing between the hours of 12 and 2 in the afternoon,
Say No to Diapers!
Apparently, people in China are not very fond of diapers, as they believe in children’s freedom to not be very private when it comes to their needs. When visiting China,
The “Butting” Disclaimer
We cherish any instance of the Engrish language we spot, and this one is no exception. When in China, you should be careful about your use of the butting!
So, the ingenuity of the Chinese to, in particular, find ways to share things is over the top. At least they’re not yet sharing the same tapioca bubble in their bubble tea.
Do You Have an A4 Waist?
Women in China have invented many beauty trends and tests, many of which are particularly interesting, including the A4 waist challenge. The challenge went viral after many girls on the Internet decided it would be a good idea to measure their waist using a piece of standard A4 paper.
Double Pipe Organ Shipped Across the Pacific
We know what you’re thinking: an organ!? Those were our exact thoughts when our friends over at Kulangsu informed us that they intended to use the translation Kulangsu Organ Center –
Sending Kisses… Literally!
That’s right. One of the popular gadgets and apps in China called Kissenger, allows you to literally send kisses to someone through the app. The gadget contains a silicone,