Judging by this sign, being edible is an inconvenience in China. We’re not sure what kind of problem you could encounter if you disobey this rule, but you wouldn’t want to find out…
We are just wondering… what kind of public behavior could possibly have inspired this sign? Apparently, some people were misplacing their footwear and seriously violating the personal space of others.
Did you ever think that some instances of the Engrish language were more than just failed translations? I think what they’re trying to do with this one is to encourage us to get out of our comfort zone and continue growing!
Um… Before you order in a restaurant in China, perhaps you should make it clear that you would like the regular menu, not the ones for cannibals. What we could assume is that this meal is a Valentine’s day special,
Your Daily Dose of that “What @^&#$% Planet Am I On?” that you experience while you’re in China. Brought to you by a few friends who are enjoying being weird in Kulangsu.