What do you feel like having for dinner? Well, in case you’d like to try something exotic in China, perhaps you should reconsider it before getting an ENTIRE crocodile or a shark sold to you at Sam’s Club.
Eggs Gone Bad or a Delicacy?
Normally, you would throw away boiled eggs before they started changing color and odor, right? Well, in China, the black color and a repulsive smell that eggs get after a certain period of time (7 weeks to 5 months!) is actually the desired result!
Have You Tried… Horse Milk?
A trip down the Walmart aisle in China could bring many surprises. You may find various products that will shock you or confuse you, so you should be ready to do a lot of research.
Care for a Scorpio on a Stick?
Chinese street food never ceases to impress, and it is one of the most abundant sources of weirdness. Apparently, people used to resort to roasted scorpions so they wouldn’t starve back in the day,